Friday 25 February 2011


I just drank cough syrup a couple hours ago. There's antihistamine in it, so I supposed to feel drowsy and sleepy right now. Instead, my eyes is wide awake and I don't feel sleepy even for a bit. Why la? It's getting really late in fact it's already a new day I really need to sleep. Should I sing lullaby to my self? Or maybe counting sheep will work....

Thursday 2 September 2010

I Love Yukata as much as I Love Kebaya

Do you know yukata? Hell no, it's not an Indonesian national costume of course. I'm sure you all already know that this beautiful patterned traditional cloth is a part of Japanese culture. Yukata is casual summer kimono or we all just can say, the much simpler version of kimono. It literally means bathing clothes because back in Heian era (794-1185), many Japanese high status men wearing this robe when they they took a steam bath in Sentō (sauna). They did it to avoid direct contact with hot steam (which could be very very hot) and in order to covered their body because they didn't want to be naked in public bath, even when they were in the bathtub! That's what I call public awareness! ;)  So those robes are called yukatabiru where 'yu' means 'hot water' and 'katabira' means 'single gown/robe', so yukata or yukatabira means a 'bath gown/robe.' The name was shortened to just yukata in Edo era when ordinary people started to wearing them as after bath clothes. Fast forward to the future, in modern society, people wearing yukata in summer time, when they go to see fireworks, bon-odori festivals, and many other summer festivals. Modern yukata are made of cotton or synthetic fabrics.The young people usually wear bright colors and bold patterns yukata, where the girls usually wear the flower patterns one. It's cool, casual, and gives adorable traditional look and I love it, as much as I love kebaya! :D

This Non-Japanese girl tried to look good in yukata ;)

And she tried once again.... 

And again.....

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Vintage Malioboro Photo

This is a vintage style photo of the most famous street in Jogja, Jalan Malioboro, which I edited about three years ago. Enjoy! :)
Have you ever been here?

Hello September!

September is going to be tough. And October seems going to be even tougher. The thesis need to done soon (and no more procrastinating whatsoever), even though I'm not sure if I'll make it in 2 months. So would you please send a little pray for me? ;) Yosh! Ganbare!

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Every Now and Then

Every now and then, we come to a crossroad and have to choose which path of life we will take. 
Every now and then, we have one hell of a decision to make.
Every now and then,  we gotta to work harder for our life's sake.
But those things we're going to trough are not obstacles.
They're parts of growing up.

Saturday 28 August 2010

Let's Get Started!

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim :)